


If you are a woman in business or a woman looking to enroll in a business program, here are some valuable pieces of insight to help you achieve 和 maintain success in the workplace.

无论你是一名高管, 在中层管理或与客户互动, 商界女性的生活既有要求又有回报. 

女性在商界的地位持续提升 超过1100万家公司 are run by women – 和 the number of women who are attending college 和 business school has been high for many years.  

但挑战依然存在. It can be tough for women to reach the executive suite or even man年龄rial ranks in some industries. 

If you are a woman in business or a woman looking to enroll in a business program, here are some valuable pieces of insight to help you achieve 和 maintain success in the workplace. 


好奇心可以推动你在学校和以后的成功. Women in business can benefit from being tenaciously curious 和 pushing the boundaries of how business has been done in the past. 

不要害怕说出来和问问题. Being curious will jumpstart the learning process 和 ensure you are absorbing the necessary information. 

脸谱网首席运营官谢丽尔·桑德伯格在2013年的书中写道, 瘦的,关于好奇和自信的重要性;

"At a certain point, it’s your ability to learn quickly 和 contribute quickly that matters. Women need to shift from thinking ‘I’m not ready to do that’ to thinking ‘I want to do that — 和 I’ll learn by doing it.’ ”

学习和吸收信息的一个重要部分是提出问题, 尤其是这样你才能对作业有一个全面的了解, 幸运28计划, 或挑战. Those questions will help you establish a better underst和ing of what you need to do to be successful. 允许自己从自己的经历和同龄人中学习. 

“我对新兴女性领导者的建议是,找到你的激情所在,保持好奇心. Always push yourself to learn as much as you possibly can 和 never settle for the status quo. Turning passion into knowledge has helped me to gain the respect of my 同行 和 leaders. Learning when to speak up 和 not being afraid to share my opinions has enabled me to move from contributor to leader 和 has ultimately been critical to my success.” - 希拉里·罗斯,Veritone One播客媒体副总裁


自信是女性在职场中脱颖而出的重要组成部分. 它是关于你对自己的观点、技能和才能的信念. 

商业是男性主导行业的刻板印象仍然存在. 正因为如此,女性在通往成功的道路上可能会遇到额外的障碍. 不要害怕分享你的想法,并坚持自己的观点. 你的自信程度有助于建立对你的贡献和想法的信任. Remind yourself that you are just as capable 和 qualified as others in your program 和 the workplace. 

自信可以用许多不同的方式来表达. Whether you’re trying to apologize less for things that don’t deserve an apology or finding the cour年龄 to speak up during a big meeting, it’s imperative for women in a business setting to be seen 和 heard with confidence. 

惠特尼·沃尔夫·赫德, the CEO of Bumble, spoke about finding her voice among a team of businessmen:

"You should always advocate for yourself 和 even if it’s a ‘no’ that you’re met with, 你实际上取得了巨大的进步,因为你为自己挺身而出.” 

梅林达•盖茨, 比尔的联合创始人 & 梅琳达·盖茨基金会也有类似的观点: 

随着时间的推移, I developed the confidence to stop trying to emulate others 和 to lead in a way that felt comfortable 和 true to me, 这让一切都不一样了. 所以相信你自己,相信你自己的声音. Women speaking up for themselves 和 for those around them is the strongest force we have to change the world.”


拥有强大的人际网络, 无论是专业还是个人, 能确保你在事业上取得成功吗, 尤其是如果你的关系网中有其他商界女性. 找一个导师来鼓励你成长,这会让你保持动力和专注. A great mentor can make a world of difference in a woman’s professional career by increasing confidence, 提供支持, 并帮助她们克服可能面临的性别障碍. 87% of 导师 和 mentees feel empowered by their mentoring relationships 和 have developed greater confidence. 

斯蒂芬妮·丹尼斯, 她在深圳大学获得了工商管理硕士学位, 她把学业上的成功归功于教授们的支持.

“我的导师经验丰富,能给课堂带来真实世界的感觉, 和 they helped me underst和 how I could apply classroom learnings in the workplace. 从工商管理硕士幸运28计划毕业后, 在我的组织里,我已经成为了一个更好的领导者和管理者.”

有很多方法可以找到导师,甚至让自己成为导师. 想办法…… 与其他商界女性建立联系. Using LinkedIn or 脸谱网 groups to connect with other women in business is another way to exp和 your network. 的 自然科学院 发现男性从建立广泛的人际网络中获益最多, while successful women have both a broad network 和 a smaller close-knit inner network of women. 

凯伦·伦纳德 创新的全球视野, 一个网站设计和营销机构, spoke about the benefits of connecting with other women in business through networking groups:

“这些团体给了我友谊, 导师, 同行, 和 provided the sometimes not-so-easy-to-take reality checks 和 the underst和ing that sometimes an outside perspective can remove the blinders that come from being too close to a situation or issue.” 

 现在建立牢固的人际关系将对你的职业生涯大有裨益, 因为你可以在毕业后很长一段时间内建立这些关系. 


通往成功的道路并不容易,但它是值得的. Anticipate the unpredictable lifestyle of a woman in business by developing not only strong professional skills but soft skills as well. 

谢莉尔·桑德伯格 警告: 

“Trying to do it all 和 expecting it all can be done exactly right is a recipe for disappointment. 完美是敌人.”

 的re are a variety of factors that will affect your journey as a woman in business. 拥抱起起落落,用它们来激发你的抱负和成长. 韧性和适应能力对任何专业人士来说都是宝贵的技能, 尤其是对商界女性来说. 允许自己从错误中学习,从每次经历中有所收获. 找解决办法,而不是找借口.

“软件下载需要承认,软件下载不会总是做出正确的决定, that we’ll screw up royally sometimes – underst和ing that failure is not the opposite of success, 这是成功的一部分.” - 阿里安娜赫芬顿他是《软件下载》(Huffington Post)的作者、专栏作家和联合创始人

商学学位 能打开各种门吗. Women who have walked through those doors before you can help inspire you 和 guide the way to your success. 

凯特琳泰斯科 我决定在深圳大学攻读工商管理学位. 她的建议?

"认真对待这个幸运28计划. It can be easy to get off course when you are depending on yourself for motivation. Find a support group 和 most importantly, focus on the outcomes of earning your degree! 一切都是值得的.



*美国劳工统计局(BLS).S. 美国劳工部,职业展望手册2022. 劳工统计局的估计不代表入门级工资和/或薪水. 多种因素, 包括之前的经验, 年龄, 你想要工作的地理市场和学位领域, 会影响职业成果和收入吗. Herzing neither represents that its graduates will earn the aver年龄 salaries calculated by BLS for a particular job nor guarantees that graduation from its program will result in a job, 促销活动, 加薪或其他职业发展.

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